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November 17, 2023 3 min read

Welcome back GFZs! 

Yes, you read that right— a plastics map! So, what's this map all about? Well, it's like a GPS for our plastic usage. Created by the incredible folks at Minderoo Foundation, this map is a digital treasure trove of knowledge, data, and insights, all aimed at keeping our planet pristine.

Worldwide Plastic Health Map

Now, while we know the word plastics alone can make us all cringe and you may be asking yourself, "Do I want to spend my afternoon looking at plastic data?"—hear us out! We promise it will be worth it, because the Plastics Map is on a mission to change the way we think about plastic.

The Plastics Map is like Google Earth for plastic, but instead of zooming in on your neighbour’s pool, it zooms in on the global plastic consumption. It's packed with data and statistics that are reshaping our understanding of the plastic puzzle:

  1. The Plastic Problem, Revealed: The map gives you a bird's-eye view of plastic pollution. It tracks how much plastic is produced, used, and disposed of globally. You can see the numbers and visualise the magnitude of our plastic usage.
  1. Interactive Insights: The Plastics Map serves up interactive data in a user-friendly way. You can explore plastic pollution trends, see country-specific statistics, and even see how different types of plastic affect the environment.
  1. Real-Time Updates: It's not a static map; it's alive and kicking! The data is continuously updated to keep you in the loop with the latest plastic solutions, issues and alerts. Think of it as your real-time newsfeed.
  1. Problem-Solving Potential: The map doesn't just drop shicking statistics on you; it also hints at potential solutions. It showcases how circular economy strategies and recycling initiatives can make a difference. The part we love the most!

Now, you might be thinking, "Okay, I can see how this data is cool and all, but what do I do with it now?" We thought you might ask! 

  1. Educate and Advocate: Knowledge is power. Have a look at the map and educate yourself about our plastic usage. Once you're in the know, you can become a plastic-savvy advocate, raising awareness in your community.
  1. Reduce and Reuse: Armed with insights from the map, you can make conscious choices to reduce single-use plastics and embrace reusable alternatives. It's a small step for you but a giant leap for the environment.
  1. Support the Right Initiatives: The map highlights successful initiatives and circular economy strategies. By supporting these, you're actively contributing to a more sustainable future.
  1. Share the Journey: Let's be honest; no eco-adventure is complete without sharing. Spread the word about the Plastics Map on your social networks, inspiring others to join the plastic revolution.

The Plastics Map isn't just a tool for the environmentally inclined; it's a guide for all of us. It's a reminder that our plastic addiction has consequences, but it's also an invitation to be part of the solution. So, hop on this plastic odyssey, explore the data, and use it as your eco-companion on the path to a cleaner, greener world. The Plastics Map is not just data; it's a glimpse into our plastic future, where we all play a part in preserving our beautiful planet. 

Ready to embark on this eco-data journey? Discover the Plastics Map here: Plastics Map

Until next week! For now, we think you’ll love our feel-good Earth news story about swapping oil for algae, enjoy! 

Much love, 

GFZ Team xx

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