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March 22, 2023 2 min read
Welcome back GFZ's!
It's that time of year again, Saturday, March 25th at 8:30 pm (your local time) marks this year’s Earth Hour here in Australia. Like many countries around the world, Australians are being called to turn out the lights for one hour in honour of the earth.
This year, however, when you turn out your lights, it’s time to take #TimeOutForNature.
How? We’re so glad you asked!
Earth Hour is a worldwide movement that takes place once a year on the last Saturday of March.
Organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) the hour symbolises our commitment to the planet by simply turning off all non-essential lights for the hour. Easy!
Simple as it is, the movement is quite beautiful. Imagine cities voluntarily going dark for an hour in solidarity, it truly is a sight to behold!
While the lights are off, you may find yourself left with a little more time to reflect, that’s why this year, Australians are being asked to take a moment to remember all of the amazing benefits nature provides us with.
What better way to reflect than to get out there amongst it?!
Whether it’s a 60-minute pause to breathe in the fresh air and take in the scenery of a local park or a 60-minute walk among the trees, no action is too big or too small to take time out for nature.
While turning the lights off and enjoying nature seem to go hand in hand quite flawlessly, the real message behind this year's reflection activity is a big one.
With Eastern Australia among the 24 global deforestation fronts, we’re seeing a whopping 200,000 trees being bulldozed each year on Aussie soil. That’s about 8,000 trees each hour! Ouch.
While reflecting for 1 hour may not change this figure overnight, taking time out for nature and working together to protect our precious trees will play a big part in restoring what we’ve lost.
Heck, your timeout could even be planting a tree in your own backyard!
And of course, for a little extra motivation, there is a pretty cool prize to be won this year too!
WWF-Australia and Tasmania Walking Company have teamed up to offer a jaw-dropping luxury walking holiday for 2 on the Bay of Fires Lodge Walk.
Four days of nature walks led by qualified guides, 3 nights of accommodation, and all meals and beverages for your nature-loving adventure! What a way to pause, reflect, and take time out.
What are you waiting for?! Sign up today for a chance to win this prize while winning for our planet.
If you loved this story we think you'll also enjoy this one about an Aussie couple who turned an abandoned banana farm into a pristine rainforest. It's a goodie!
Until next week GFZ's,
Much love xx
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