Have you got stubborn grey hairs that won’t go away after colouring them?
This Pre-Colour Wash Bar by Desert Shadow has been designed to help colour attach to those stubborn grey hairs, making it easier for your hair to take to your choice of the Desert Shadow organic hair dye.
By combing Green Clay with Organic Oils, it will not only cleanse the hair and scalp but help remove oil build up, making it super clean for colouring!
Naturally good for you:
Cocoa Butter to strengthen hair
How to use:
No preservatives or stabilisers (of course) • Certified Organic
Made and Owned, with ♡, in Australia
Let us know if you have any questions about theDesert Shadow - Pre-Colour Wash Bar - For Stubborn Greysat askusanything@goforzero.com.au
Founder Charmaine Burnett wanted to create a natural alternative to commercial hair colours after developing severe psoriasis while using them herself. Inspired by the book “Silent Spring”, she made this dream come true with Desert Shadow, a range of certified organic hair colours and hair treatments creating natural pigments for the hair by using raw plants.
Since 2008, her range has bought forth a range of all-natural shades of colours that help in repairing dry and damaged hair and can last 4-6 weeks before fading. No more bad hair days!
Desert Shadow is certified organic by NASAA (National Association for Sustainable Agriculture, Australia) meaning the ingredients are farmed, harvested and processed ethically. The products come in 100% post-consumer recycled boxes making the whole product safe for you, your family and the planet you live in.