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Do you have a huge glass jar already or did you accidentally forget about your SCOBY? No need to purchase a whole new kit, just grab another SCOBY & start fermenting gut-loving goodness again!
By making your own kombucha you're saving money and unnecessary packaging waste! On top of this, Kombucha offers beneficial bacteria, micronutrients, enzymes and probiotics to your gut, giving it a healthy cleanse!
The Buchi Kombucha Scoby provides a fun & simple way to create your own 100% certified organic and delicious fermented kombucha. When the live culture (SCOBY) is combined with sweetened tea and fermented it turns into a fizzy Kombucha. The beauty about making your own is that you can choose how sweet or zingy you would like the brew to be and you can use the SCOBY over and over.
See how Ellie makes it on Instagram here.
What's included?
Naturally good for you:
Made and Owned, with ♡, in Australia
Let us know if you have any questions about the BUCHI Kombucha Scobyat askusanything@goforzero.com.au
Here is how to make your own:
1. Boil 1 litre of water, add 300 grams raw sugar and stir until sugar dissolves
2. Turn the heat down, and add the 30 grams of loose-leaf green or black tea
3. Strain the tea and let it cool down (this is important not to burn your Scoby)
4. Fill up your vessel with water and add your sweet tea and Scoby - the Scoby will ferment your tea so there is hardly any sugar left
5. Cover with a breathable cloth & secure with a rubber band or rope
6. Set in a warm location out of direct sunlight for about 7 days
7. Taste it. If it still tastes sweet, let it sit for another day. If it is too vinegary, do only 6 days next time.
8. Bottle it and pop it in the fridge. Important is to keep a bit of liquid to start it all over again.
Forever brewing:
During these 7 days, you'll see weird strands hanging down. That is totally normal, so don't worry. The cool part is that your Scoby will grow another one on top during the 7 days. You can gift that to a friend with some liquid or compost. People even make skincare from it. The sky is the limit!
Add flavours:
This is my favourite part. Once you bottle your kombucha, you can add one more step and add flavours to it, let it sit for another day and only then pop it in the fridge.
- My fav is orange
- My hubby his favourite is coffee beans
- My kid's favourite is orange or frozen berries. It turns pretty pink