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October 11, 2024 4 min read

Hey Go For Zero fam! 

Ellie here, and today we're chatting about something super close to my heart - World Food Day. It's just around the corner on October 16th, and I thought we could take a moment to chat about why this day is so important and how we can all chip in to create a world where no one goes hungry.

What Is World Food Day?

Imagine a day when people all over the globe unite to fight hunger - that's what World Food Day is all about! On October 16th each year, people gather to spread awareness and take action, all to create a place where no one wonders where their next meal is coming from. 

Tackling Hunger: Why It Matters

In a world of abundance, it's hard to believe that hunger is still a global issue. I know there are so many awareness days out there. But this one? It's a biggie. Here's why:

  • About 820 million people worldwide (that's more than 35 times the population of Australia!) don't have enough to eat.
  • One in nine people globally are dealing with chronic hunger.
  • Right here, at home in Australia, 1 in 6 adults have struggled to put food on the table in the last year.

These aren't just numbers - they're real people, families, and communities doing it tough. That's why World Food Day is so important. It reminds us that we all have a part to play in creating a world where everyone has access to good, nutritious food.

Go For Zero's Commitment to Fighting Food Insecurity

At Go For Zero, we're all about walking the talk. That's why we've made giving back a core part of our business. Every time you place an order on our website, we donate $1 to support a project of your choice through i=Change, including projects that support food security for Australians.

And guess what? Thanks to your amazing support, we've been able to donate approximately 44,582 meals to Australians in need! That's 44,582 times someone didn't have to stress about where their next meal was coming from. It just goes to show how our small actions as a community can add up to make a real difference!

7 Easy Ways You Can Make a Difference This World Food Day

Now, I can almost hear you thinking, "But what can I do?" Well, I'm so glad you asked! Here are some super simple yet impactful ways you can get involved this World Food Day:

  1. Donate to a Food Bank: Local food banks are always looking for non-perishable items. Next time you're doing your grocery shop, grab a few extra bits to donate. Not sure where your nearest food bank is? Check out Foodbank Australia's website (https://www.foodbank.org.au/) to find one near you.
  2. Volunteer Your Time: Many organizations need help sorting donations, packing food boxes, or serving meals. It's a great way to impact your community directly. Try searching for "food bank volunteer opportunities near me" or check out Volunteering Australia (https://www.volunteeringaustralia.org/) for local opportunities.
  3. Reduce Food Waste: Did you know that about one-third of all food produced globally ends up in the bin? Be mindful of your food purchases and try to use everything you buy. Apps like "Too Good To Go" can help you rescue unsold food from local businesses. We love our Veggie Saver too. It makes your food last up to 2 weeks longer!
  4. Educate Yourself and Others: Learn more about food security issues and share what you learn. The UN's World Food Programme website (https://www.wfp.org/) is a great place to start. Why not share a fact on social media to spread awareness?
  5. Support Sustainable Agriculture: Choose products that support sustainable farming practices. Look for certifications like Australian Certified Organic or NASAA Certified Organic when shopping.
  6. Shop with Purpose: When you shop with Go For Zero, you're not just getting great eco-friendly products - you're also helping us donate meals to those in need. Check out our kitchen range for products that can help you reduce food waste at home!
  7. Start a Community Garden: If you have the space, consider starting a community garden. It's a great way to produce fresh, local food and bring people together. The Australian City Farms & Community Gardens Network (https://communitygarden.org.au/) has resources to help you get started.

Together, We Can Make a Difference

I've always believed that having enough food to eat shouldn't be a luxury - it should be a given for everyone. It's a big part of why our donations are so important to us and why we're so committed to making a difference. 

As World Food Day approaches, I'd love to challenge each of you to take at least one action from the list above. Together, we can work towards a world where no one goes to bed with a rumbling tummy.

Remember, every little action counts. Whether you donate a can of food, volunteer for an hour, or simply be more mindful of your food waste, you have the power to make a real difference.

Let's use World Food Day as a reminder of the impact we can have when we come together as a community. When it comes to creating a better world, we're all in this together.

Share Your Impact to Spread the Word

Now it's your turn to spread the word! We'd love to see how you're making a difference this World Food Day. Share your actions on social media and tag us @goforzero. Whether you're donating to a food bank, trying out a new zero-waste recipe or volunteering at a local community garden, your actions can inspire others to join the cause, and we'd love to share what you do! Let's create waves of positive change together!

With gratitude and hope,

Ellie x

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