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May 26, 2024 4 min read

Can you feel that already? As soon as those cool winter winds start blowing, our skin gets the worst of it. From dehydrated tight feelings to rough patches and cracking, cold, dry air can leave your complexion in desperate need of a moisture reset. 

But don't go resigning yourself to months of dehydrated, dull, irritated skin just yet! As someone who struggles with sensitive skin, I've become a master at combating seasonal dryness. That's why I'm sharing my 7 go-to, dermatologist-approved tips for keeping your skin hydrated and glowing all winter long. Read on…

Why Winter = Dry Skin 

But first, why does our skin take such a beating once the temperature drops? There are a few key factors behind winter dehydration:

  • Low humidity and lack of moisture in cold, dry winter air
  • Harsh winds outdoors strip your skin's protective barrier
  • Dry indoor heat from heaters/fireplaces zap moisture
  • Long hot showers deplete your skin's natural oils

All of these factors cause excess moisture to escape from your skin, resulting in dehydration, dullness, itchiness and even cracking or flaking in more severe cases. No thx!

Right now is the best time to start taking a proactive, strategic approach to retaining a soft, dewy skin all winter long. Here's how:

Tip #1: Shorter Showers 

I know, I know...long hot showers are the ultimate winter indulgence. But that steamy water is actually stripping your skin of its natural protective oils and causing dehydration. Stick to 5-10 minute showers in warm (not scorching) water, and moisturise immediately after for lasting hydration.

Tip #2: Moisture, Moisture, Moisture!

Applying moisturiser all over from head-to-toe daily (or even twice daily!) is skincare rule #1 for winter. Look for ultra-nourishing creams and balms formulated with hydrating powerhouses like:

  • Hyaluronic acid to attract and bind moisture
  • Ceramides to reinforce your skin's natural barrier
  • Occlusives like oils and butters to seal in hydration

Our natural hyaluronic acid draws in moisture, while the face oils and moisturisers seal in the water creating a lush, protective moisture blanket. 

Tip #3: Gentle Exfoliation
While it seems counterintuitive, gently exfoliating is key for allowing hydrating products to properly absorb. Physical exfoliators like konjac sponges and soft Dry Body Brushes are perfect for buffing away dry, dull surface cells. Just avoid any harsh scrubs which can damage your moisture barrier. 

Tip #4: Oil/Cream Cleanse 

Now is definitely the time to swap out any stripping, foaming or surfactant-heavy cleansers for nourishing oils, balms or creams. I love our new Miod's PH balanced cleansers for melting away impurities without dehydrating my skin.

Tip #5: Run a Humidifier 

Those dry indoor heating systems can zap moisture from the air and your skin. Run a portable humidifier, especially in your bedroom at night, to replenish the air with hydration and prevent excessive evaporation from your skin. Aim for 30-50% humidity.

Tip #6: Hydrate From Within 

Moisturising isn't just about lotions and creams - you need to hydrate from within too! Drink plenty of water, herbal teas and hydrating broths, and munch on healthy fats like avocados, fish, nuts and seeds. This gives your skin the nourishment it needs to stay soft.

Tip #7: Breathable Fabrics 

What you wear counts too! Always go for soft, breathable natural fabrics against your skin like cotton or linen. Rough wool and synthetic textures can further irritate and dry you out

Introducing Miod - Australia's Fully Natural, Refillable Botanical Skincare

If you're dealing with severely dry, mature or dehydrated skin this winter, I've found just the skin oasis for your parched complexion: the Native range from Australian botanical skincare brand Miod.

Specifically formulated with powerful native extracts like nutrient-rich Kakadu plum and soothing waratah, this collection deeply replenishes thirsty skin while reinforcing its protective moisture barrier against environmental aggressors.

The Native Hydrating Moisturiserand Native Hydrating Mist utilise hyaluronic acid, antioxidant botanicals and 30% plant oil concentrates for serious 24/7 hydration. While the creamy Australian Cream Cleanser transforms into a buttery conditioning milk to soothe and rejuvenate parched skin.

If you don't suffer from dry skin, Miod launched a natural skincare routine for different skintypes or issues too. If you have oily and problematic skin the Enzyme range is designed for you. The Botanical range is ideal for sensitive skin, while normal skin types will love the Vit C boost in the Superfoods range.

Like all Miod products, these skin saviours draw from the power of nature to nourish with potent bioactive botanicals - no harsh synthetics or irritants. It's skincare beautifully crafted to work in harmony with your body during the driest months.

So there you have it - my full battle plan for thriving with healthy, dewy, ultra-moisturised skin this winter. Start implementing these tips now to get ahead of seasonal dehydration and irritation. Your soft, glowing complexion will thank you!

If you have any other winter skincare struggles, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm always here to offer solutions for hydrated, glowing skin from head-to-toe. Stay cosy and moisturised out there!

With love, 

Ellie & the GFZ team x


  1. Suárez, A.L. et al. (2012). Psychoneuroimmunology of Psychological Stress and Atopic Dermatitis. Acta Derm Venereol.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4082169/
  2. National Eczema Association (2023). Stress and Eczema.https://eczema.org/information-and-advice/triggers-for-eczema/stress-and-eczema/
  3. National Eczema Association (2023). Eczema and Emotional Wellness. https://nationaleczema.org/eczema-emotional-wellness/

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