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October 13, 2022 2 min read

An Exciting Update for WA Plastics Ban…

Coming to you live from Perth, WA, it's your girl Shan back with another feel-good Friday happy Earth news story! How are we all doing? (Should we turn this into a podcast?) 

This story takes place in my backyard today as some significant updates on the WA plastics ban have made you want to get up and dance around the room! 

Where Are We Currently With The WA Plastics Ban?

The Wa Plastics Ban is in its stage 1 phase, banning nine items, including plates, cutlery, drinking straws, thick plastic bags, and balloon releases. 

We are also in a transition period to allow businesses to use up supplies and adapt to changes before the rules are enforced. There has been a fantastic support in finding environmentally friendly alternatives and programs to help retail and hospitality adapt, with the WA Government taking an educational approach to the change. 

Did you know…the Stage 1 bans are estimated to eliminate 300 million plastic straws, 50 million pieces of plastic cutlery and more than 110 million thick plastic shopping bags? Let's do this, WA!

Environment Minister Reece Whitby said Western Australians had embraced the first stage of the bans. (We are clearly all very ready and excited). 

The October 1st Good News…

Earlier this month, announcements were made that the sale and supply of single-use plastic cold beverage cups have now been banned; this will save 430 million single-use plastics from landfill or litter in WA each year! 

Plus! Single-use plastic takeaway coffee cups, among other plastic products, will be targeted in the next stage. Certified compostable cups will still exist, though. While we would love to reduce single-use entirely, we are excited about this change! 

Sit back for this one…

The statewide ban includes mega fast food chain McDonald's replacing approximately 17.5 million plastic cold beverage cups and lids in its McCafés across the state. That is an Australian first!

*presses every button on the calculator* That's roughly 140 tonnes of plastic removed in a year! 

Go For Zero Reusable Take-away Cup Saver Sleeve

Some Important Notes On The WA Plastics Ban…

  1. Businesses or community groups needing support can visit  http://www.plasticsbanwa.com.au.
  2. People that require single-use plastic items to maintain their quality of life, such as those in the disability, aged care and health sectors, will be ensured a continued supply.
  3. Reducing plastics and single-use waste at its source is always the number 1 sustainable action we can take. Remember your reusables when you can, and keep doing your best! 

Yeehaw WA! If you loved this story, we think you'll love this one on Woolworths & Big W announced that this Christmas will be glitter-free! 

Have an update on your state's plastic ban? We'd love to hear from you at askusanything@goforzero.com.au!

We hope these stories have been easing your mind and allowing you to float into your weekends knowing your voice is heard and your efforts are seen GFZ's. 

As always, we are right here with you, keep going, keep trying & we send you mega virtual hugs! 

Much love, 

GFZ xx 

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