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August 04, 2022 2 min read

Ugly Vegetables Filling Bellies Not Landfill

Who's ready for some planet & money-saving vegetables? Yes, please! 

Aussie farmers are working hard to keep those prices down and keep us shopping local by offering something a little different…

Did you know that 25% of farmers' produce doesn't leave the farm simply because they don't meet aesthetic standards? (Sounds like me leaving the house). 

We are about to introduce you to a group of legends with a common purpose, to reconnect Aussies with the joy of good food that nature has to offer and a true reminder that it's what is on the inside that counts! 

Introducing Harris Farm!

Harris Farm Markets is an Australian grocery chain with over 30 different locations in New South Wales & Queensland.

It was in 1971 that David & Cathy Harris opened their first store in Villawood with a mission more significant than just “selling” good fresh food.

“Food is a remarkable thing. It brings families together, supports communities, and gives farmers a means. It offers nutrients to our bodies, and joy to our taste buds”.

You could say they’re bananas about food. Okay, I agree, I came in too strong with that pun.  

The "Imperfect Picks" 

The Harris farm is one of many Aussie fresh produce farms doing good and are always looking to further their sustainable initiatives, support local farmers and make a real, positive difference! *claps so loudly at desk*.

To do this, the Harris farm runs a service called the Imperfect picks: seasonal fruit and vegetables that may not look perfect on the outside but are as delicious as ever on the inside. 


Imperfect Picks launched in 2014 as part of the business initiative to minimize waste while helping Aussie farmers, and saving a few dollars for you! Plus, Harris Farm makes these imperfectly unique fruit & veg 50% cheaper than your regular-looking produce. Win-win!

Would you take in the imperfect picks? I know we would!  

Imperfect picks Harris Farm

Other Tips & Ways To Reduce Food Waste & Support Aussie Farmers: 

  1. Shop at local farmers' markets 
  2. Buy in-season fruit & veg to save money
  3. Choose the loose or ugly fruit and veg from your supermarket 
  4. Store your fruit and veg properly to make them last longer ( Not to mention save you money) *insert cha-ching sound*
  5. Support a local farmer's fruit and veg box subscription!  
  6. Don't forget to bring your produce bags! (We write "produce bags" on the top of our shopping list, so we don't forget) 
  7. Check out our blog filled with  Easy Tips To Reducing Food Waste

If you enjoyed this story, we think you'll love our story on How to Wash Fruit & Vegetables: The Importance of Eating Spray Free over on our Sustainable Living Blog! 

If you have any questions or know of another bunch of do-good Aussie farm legends doing something extraordinary in your community, we'd love to hear from please don't hesitate to write in or ask via askusanything@goforzero.com.au 

With love, 

Ellie & the GFZ team xx

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