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September 15, 2024 4 min read

Hey there, Go For Zero Legends!

Ellie here, and today we're lathering up with a topic I’m super passionate about - the humble bar of soap. Now, I know what you're thinking…"Ellie, it's just soap!" But hold onto your loofah because these little blocks of goodness are so much better for you, your wallet and our Big Mama. 

So get comfy with a cup of tea, and let's explore why bar soap isn't just your grandma's cleansing choice anymore - it's the superhero of sustainable living!

The Soap-er Star of Sustainability

First things first - let's talk sustainability. In a world where we're all trying to reduce our plastic footprint, bar soap is like the caped crusader of the bathroom and kitchen:

  • No plastic bottles! Most bar soaps are wrapped in paper or cardboard that is easily recyclable or home-compostable. At Go For Zero, many of our bar soaps come packaging-free or in minimal, eco-friendly packaging. It's a win-win for you and Mother Earth! 
  • Pure concentrated goodness. Mainstream liquid shampoo contains 90% water, while shower gels can contain up to 95% water. Soap bars don’t have this unnecessary filler. No need to pay for expensive water anymore!
  • Longer lasting luxury. On average, one bar of soap lasts six times longer than its liquid alternative. Talk about a sustainable superpower! Below, we’ll discuss how to care for bars to make them last as long as possible.
  • We give a ship. Shipping a solid bar vs big bulky plastic bottles reduces shipping emissions too. It's not something we often think about, but it is important for our Big Mama.
  • Multi-tasking marvel. At Go For Zero, we offer soap bars that can do double duty as shampoo & conditioner or dish & laundry soap bar. Talk about versatility!

How Bar Soap is Made: A Little Sudsy Science

Did you know that the ancient Babylonians were making soap as far back as 2800 BC? Or that the term "soap opera" comes from 1930s radio dramas sponsored by soap companies? Your shower routine has some serious history! Ok, let's get down to the nitty-gritty. Traditional bar soap is made through a process called saponification:

  1. Oils or fats are mixed with an alkali (usually lye).
  2. This mixture undergoes a chemical reaction, creating soap and glycerin.
  3. The soap is then moulded and left to cure. Once the soap cured, there is no lye left in the soaps. A little science magic!

The beauty of this process? It's been around for thousands of years and can be done with all-natural ingredients. No need for fancy chemicals or preservatives - high five!

But What About My Dry Skin?

I hear you! Many of us have been scarred by harsh, drying soaps in the past, including myself. But here's the thing - not all bar soaps are created equal. Many commercial "soaps" are actually synthetic detergent bars that can strip your skin's natural oils.

At Go For Zero, we're all about natural, nourishing bar soaps that work with your skin, not against it. Our bars don't contain harsh chemicals or synthetic fragrances, but are packed with moisturising ingredients that leave your skin feeling clean AND hydrated. 

For those with extra sensitive or dry skin, try out our Ethique Bliss bar or Deep Green face cleansers. These babies are made with surfactants instead of traditional soap (also called soap-free), which means they have a pH closest to your skin's natural level while creating a creamy, luxurious lather.

Needless to say, we love solid bars for all the reasons above so we've got your back (and your front, and everywhere else you need cleaning!).

How to Use Bar Soap Like a Pro

Ready to make the switch? Here are some tips to get the most out of your bar soap:

  1. Lather up right: Use a washcloth, loofah or soap saver to create a rich lather. This helps the soap last longer and gives you a more effective clean.
  2. Rinse well: Make sure to rinse off all the soap to avoid any residue.
  3. Store it properly: Keep your soap in a well-draining dish to extend its life. We have a reclaimed wooden soap holder here and some soap travel tins in aluminium here.
  4. Try the multi-use magic: Many of our bar soaps can be used for your body, face, and even hair! 

Making Your Bar Soap Last Even Longer

Want to stretch your soap even further? Try these tricks:

  • Cut your bar in half and use one piece at a time
  • Let your soap dry completely between uses
  • Use a soap saver bag to catch those little bits at the end 

Join the Bar Soap Revolution!

Ready to raise the bar and cut out the plastic (and excess water)? We've got a range of amazing bar soaps at Go For Zero that'll make you wonder why you ever used liquid soap in the first place. From our natural face, body, and shampoo bars to our popular stain remover stick and dish & laundry bar, we have everything you need!

Remember, every small change adds up. By switching to bar soap, you're not just changing your shower routine - you're voting for a more sustainable future with your dollar. And that's something we can all feel clean and good about! 

So, what do you say? Ready to make a splash with bar soap? Let us know in the comments which bar soap you're excited to try!

With lots of love and suds,

Ellie x


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