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February 05, 2020 4 min read
This month we're celebrating love. An important kind of love. Self love and the love we have for ourselves and mamma earth!
We all express love in different ways, we've created a 10 day challenge that focuses on ways to love yourself and the environment. We've shared small and easy tasks to focus on each day for the next 10 days, involving self care, DIYs, exercise & more that will leave your heart feeling full!
Who's with us?! 🙋
Your brain and body needs proper time to relax and recharge. Live in the moment, read a book, draw a picture, go for a walk, embrace what is present around you. Instagram will always be there when you come back!
Did you know...The blue light emitted from our devices actually makes it difficult for our bodies to fall asleep?
I tested this last week and wow it made a massive difference unplugging from technology at least 1 hour before bed. Not only did I fall asleep faster, I also had a better quality sleep, and woke up without feeling tired.
Did we mention using less electricity reduces your footprint on the environment?! A win win for our health and mamma earth!
Lack of sleep is strongly linked to weight gain, poor concentration and productivity, depression, poor immune function, and your ability to interact socially (I bet we all knew that one!).
Treat yourself to more sleep!
Alone time increases empathy for others, enhances productivity, sparks creativity and builds mental strength. Studies show that the ability to tolerate alone time is linked to increased happiness and life satisfaction. You can listen to your thoughts and get to know what you do and don't enjoy in life without any outside influences.
When was the last time you actually did something fun on your own? Grocery shopping doesn't count!
Did we mention the best part is that you can choose where and when you eat?!?
DIYs create a sense of pride and accomplishment. They involve your full attention which distracts you from other stressful thoughts. Not only do they save you money by not having someone else do it, it also increases your level of self-relieance, making you less likely to panic when things go wrong.
A fun way to expand your skill set, engage your brain and add a personal touch to your home/belongings.
Clutter is harmful to your health. Looking at a pile of items you don't use builds levels of frustration and guilt because you've spent money on something you don't use. Who's been there?!
If you don't use it, someone else will! Donate unwanted or un-used products to your local op-shop. Please don't throw it out, it may feel like trash to you but someone else may treasure it! You'll be saving items from landfill and sending them somewhere to be loved! *Woohooo*
My mums golden rule to remember during a de-clutter session: If you didn't wear it last year you won't wear it this year sista!
There are so many products on the market that contain toxic ingredients that play with your hormones, health and mood! Not to mention their harmful effects on the environment and wildlife once they hit the waterways. Start detoxing your self care and home products by checking out our blog 'Where to start when going toxin-free' for ideas on which products you should introduce first.
The benefits of this one are a little obvious, exercise gets your endorphins pumping, which boosts your mood and relieves stress. And of course by riding instead of driving you are having zero impact on the planet!
Plants make you happy, purify the air and studies even show that they improve concentration, memory and productivity!
I spend at least 2 minutes a day with my fiddle leaf fig (not weird). Fiddle owners can definitely relate to my excitement when they sprout a new leaf!
Fixing items instead of throwing them away saves money, enhances your skill set, saves precious resources used to make a completely new one and avoids an item ending up in landfill.
In some cases it can boost your problem solving skills and force you to think outside the box!
If you've made it this far, CONGRATULATIONS. However, it doesn't end here. Now it's time to select which of the above 9 tasks you enjoyed the most and schedule them into your life on a regular basis. If you can think of more ways to embrace self love and loving the planet, go for it! We'd love for you to share your ongoing journey with us via social media.
Follow our stories on Instagram and Facebook over the next few days as we embark on this self and earth loving journey with you!
We're in this together 💪🏻
With love,
The GFZ team xx
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